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Zoom H5 Vs Zoom H6 as a Digital Recorder: Which to Choose?

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Our Zoom H5 Vs Zoom H6 comparison was originally written back in 2015. These pieces of kit have really stood the test of time and remain the centrepiece of many a podcaster’s studio – including ours. With another 5 years of use under our belts though, we figured it might be time for an update in 2020.

Key update points for our Zoom H5 Vs H6 comparison

  • The cost of both recorders has narrowed over the years
  • If you’re in the market for one, you might want to check out Zoom’s newly released PodTrak P4 – a superb little recorder that costs less than the H5 or H6, and offers more podcast-specific features, too!
  • Still just interested in a Zoom H5 Vs H6 comparison? Read on to get the lowdown…

As mentioned in the introduction to this in-person interview series, we’re looking to cover the gold standard kit for recording face to face audio. This may be in co-hosting a podcast, or it may be in recording interviews. Whatever your context, if you’re recording in-person conversations (as opposed to Skype or similar) this is for you.

If you don’t care about the explanation and just want the shopping list, you can skip forward to it here: Full Podcast Equipment List for In-Person Recording.

But, if you want the detail, in this section we’re covering the central component, the digital recorder. In particular, we’re looking at the premium ones I recommend. A quick heads up that we use affiliate links for the gear we recommend, so would earn a small commission if you were to buy through them – at no extra cost to yourself.

Right, let’s talk about the Zoom H5 vs Zoom H6. These are currently two of the best digital recorders for podcasting out there. You can also read our dedicated articles on these devices over at Zoom H5 Review and Zoom H6 Review.

If you’ve found this article in the search for a more budget level recorder, you can check out my full digital recorders guide here. But, if you want the best equipment, read on.

So, this is the heart of the setup. The digital recorder captures the input from your microphones and turns it into a file you can work with. The type of recorder you use has a big effect on the control you have over your input, and therefore the eventual quality of your audio.

Why Spend Extra on the Zoom H5 Ahead of the Zoom H1 or H4?

In the budget interview setup I’ve covered before, we used a Zoom H1, which is a good little recorder, but with only one input. That means you can’t balance out the volumes of your two (or more) speakers as they’re all coming into the one input via a splitter.

If your interviewee is loud and you’re quiet, that’ll show up heavily in the recording, and you’ll have to spend some production time levelling it out. In this situation, it’s far better to make sure your input is even during intial recording, capturing the best source quality right from the get-go. To do this means having at least 2 microphone inputs with separate level control.

The Zoom H5

I worked with the Zoom H4n for years, but laterly upgraded to the Zoom H5.

Zoom H5 for Podcasting: Zoom H5 Vs H6

The main reasons for that were the highly upgraded preamps and the fact you can use the interchangeable heads that were designed originally for the Zoom H6.

Improved Pre-Amps

To cover the first, the pre-amps in the Zoom H5 are far superior to the H4n. This was the one complaint made against the otherwise great little recorder.

The preamps themselves didn’t rule the H4n out, it still produced excellent audio, but it was always a little difficult when working with gain hungry microphones like the SM58. As you boost the gain, bringing the SM58 up to a decent level, the base hiss tended to sneak upwards too, and it just caused a little trouble in some contexts.

With the H5, the SM58 is much more effectively powered, though, and you’ll get a great sound without the sneaky hiss.

Interchangeable Recording Heads

Next, I mentioned the interchangeable heads. This was an amazing addition to the Zoom arsenal when the H6 was released.

bunny recording into the zoom h5

Audio junkies were jazzing over the images of the H6 with 5 add-ons all plugged in in series, giving you multiple extra XLR inputs. Plus, the shotgun microphone add-ons now make it a brilliant device for use with your DSLR when filming.

Basically what this boils down to is the fact that you can record 2 people, easily, using the default XLR sockets. But if you need to record 4 people from time to time, you can plug in an add-on and do that on separate channels, still in XLR.

This is great news because it means you can still have full control over each channel, even with 4 speakers. You can control levels, and keep them separate for really powerful post production.

Why Upgrade to the Zoom H6?

So, we’ve covered the Zoom H5. The only dilemma here is whether you should upgrade to the Zoom H6 for another $70 or so. If you want more fancy onboard editing, and the flexibility of recording 6 separate tracks, then perhaps the answer is yes.

Zoom H6 with MS Capsule

On Board Editing

For the first, I have to admit, I’ve never really used the more advanced on-board editing functions on any recorder I’ve used. I tend to get the settings how I like them, and then do little more than hit record when I’m in the field.

Any editing I do is after the file is safely downloaded to the computer and into Alitu or Audition. So, to me, the on-board editing functions aren’t really a draw, and I’ve not met many podcasters for whom they are.

I suspect this is more a feature for the pro journalists out there who have to edit much more on the fly to work within really tight deadlines. If that sounds like something you might have to do, then perhaps the H6 is for you.

6 Track Recording

For the second, the 6 track recording, this is one that could be more relevant to Podcasters.

Zoom H6 with 6 mics

I mentioned in the series introduction that I’m working with more businesses on podcasting, and more people looking to expand away from simple online conversations. In many instances, this involves taking advantage of events, or gatherings, and capturing some really compelling multiple voice recordings.

The H6 makes this a breeze, and offer a lot of power besides. You can record 6 people with the H6, all on separate tracks. This means detailed level control, and the option for really refined post production on everyone’s voice individually.

If you care about quality, and you record groups of people in the studio or at events, the H6 gives you all the flexibility you need.

You can even add more XLR inputs, as I’ve mentioned, recording 6 or 8 mics at once. But, to be honest, you might be struggling with control at that stage anyway, so perhaps that’s a bit overkill!

Zoom H5 Vs Zoom H6: Which to Choose?

I think the answer to this question comes down to one factor: will you be recording more than 2 people on a regular basis, sometimes more than 4, and do you want fine grained control over every voice? If yes, get the H6. If no, you’ll rarely be doing more than 2, somtimes 3 or 4, then the Zoom H5 will do the job nicely.

Remember, get full details on both devices here, on our site:

Need More Help?

So, if you’re in the market for a Zoom H5 or Zoom H6 for podcasting, I hope I’ve given you enough info to make the decision.

Remember too, that you might want to hang-fire for now, as Zoom are about to release the PodTrak P4. Watch this space for our detailed review on this interesting-looking new recorder.

If you need more help with choosing gear – or with any other aspect of podcasting – check out Podcraft Academy. In there you’ll find all our courses and downloadable resources. On top of that, we run weekly live Q&A sessions too, so you’ll never get stuck on anything again.

This was part 2 in our series on Recording Face-to-Face Interviews for a Podcast. Check out the other posts here:

  1. How to Record Face-to-Face Podcast Interviews: The Full Guide
  2. Zoom H5 Vs Zoom H6 as a Digital Recorder: Which to Choose?
  3. Shure SM58 Review | The Apocalypse Survival Mic
  4. The In-Person Podcast Interview Equipment Setup Guide
  5. Full Audio or Podcast Interview Equipment Shopping List