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How Do I Get My Podcast on Amazon and Audible?

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As this duo roll hand-in-hand across the Internet, gathering up everything in their path, you may have looked at those welcoming golden curves in their logo and said to yourself, “Self, how do I get my podcast on Amazon and Audible?”

This used to be difficult. But now, it’s easy. Come, join me on this tour through the land of putting your podcast on Amazon and Audible. I promise there will be surprises along the way and no bad puns like Disney’s Jungle Cruise.

Are Amazon Music and Audible The Same Thing?

On the user end, no. They’re two different storefronts with different target markets. On the back end, sort of. Audible was the leader in digital audiobooks. Amazon bought it in 2008, keeping the name and brand so it could keep its loyal customer base. Audible’s business model has only changed recently, and very little. Audible subscribers can listen to podcasts (from Amazon Music’s directory) without having to pay an additional fee or use their monthly credits.

For podcasters, this simply means that people who only consume audio content via their Audible or Amazon music apps will be able to hear your podcast. For Amazon and Audible, this means that their customer base is less likely to search elsewhere for content.

What About Alexa?

Alexa is, of course, the voice assistant for Amazon. Getting an Amazon Alexa Skill for your podcast has been a very specific process, depending on your media host. However, many people find that if they submit their podcast to the TuneIn directory, their podcast will eventually show up on Amazon and Audible.

As an example: ADWIT, the Audio Drama Writers’ Independent Tool Kit uses Buzzsprout for hosting. Buzzsprout makes it easy to submit to various directories, including TuneIn.

A few months after ADWIT launched, I was searching for audio drama podcasting resources, and this ad popped up:

Amazon ad for the Adwit podcast
Screenshot of an ad for Amazon Music

Did I make this ad? No. Did I ask Amazon to make it? No. Does it bother me? Not really. My point is, I didn’t have to consciously submit the RSS feed to Amazon Music. Buzzsprout submitted my podcast to TuneIn, which, in turn, submitted it to Amazon and Audible.

Admit in Audible

But, what if you don’t use Buzzsprout? Or, you want to make absolutely sure that you can get your podcast on Amazon and Audible?

How to Get Your Podcast On Amazon Music and Audible

Here’s how to submit your podcast to the TuneIn directory. Fill out the form, send it to TuneIn, and wait for verification.

What if you want to close the gap between you and the podcast directories of Amazon Music and Audible? Never fear, the tutorial is here.

First, go to Amazon Music for Podcasters.

Amazon music for podcasters
Amazon Music for Podcasters and Audible

Click on the link to add or claim your podcast. Amazon asks you to sign in with the login info that you use for any Amazon service or product. This will take you to a screen where they ask for your podcast’s RSS feed.

How to add your podcast on Amazon and Audible

Copy and paste your podcast’s RSS feed URL in the space available.

If your podcast isn’t already in their directory, they will verify ownership by sending an email to the address connected to your RSS feed. In the email, click on the link to verify that yes, this is your podcast.

Confirmation page

Amazon takes you to the Amazon for Podcasters dashboard. Your podcast’s status is “pending.” They say that your podcast submission should be verified in about 24 hours.

How to get your podcast on Amazon and Audible - overview

In my case, it was verified and available for public listening in less than an hour. Your mileage may vary. Amazon Music sends you a link to your podcast in their directory.

Are You Sure That Adding My Podcast To Amazon Music Will Also Add My Podcast To Audible?

Yes. Here’s Audible’s official explanation of how to add your podcast to Audible.
The link specified in that knowledge base article is the same as Amazon Music for Podcasters. Again (because people have asked), this does not get you paid, like if you published an audiobook. It makes your podcast part of the “free” content that Audible subscribers get.

Should I Get My Podcast On Amazon Music and Audible?

Your audience is, potentially, everywhere and anywhere. So, yes, it makes good sense to have your podcast available on Amazon and Audible. You should also submit your podcast to as many directories as possible.

Once upon a time, back when podcasting was young, Audible used to purchase audio fiction podcasts from companies with good intellectual properties.

For example, the graphic novel series Locke & Key modelled a Holy Grail path for most audio fiction podcast creators. It began its life as a graphic novel series. AudioComics Company adapted it for audio fiction, and then it was an Audible exclusive story. Listeners could pay a fee or use a credit to listen, like Audible’s offerings from The BBC, Wireless Theatre, or Big Finish.

While some podcast companies break through the glass ceiling to become paid content on Audible, most podcast offerings are a free perk for Audible subscribers, like croutons at a salad bar.

Amazon has used content (television and movies, but also audio content) as a loss leader for years. Users can sign up for Prime’s discounts and free shipping, and stay for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

For people who own a Fire tablet, Amazon wants to ensure that there’s no need to consume content outside of their ecosystem. If you have strong feelings about monopoly-style business tactics, you might not want your podcast as something Amazon gives away for free so people will develop expensive and exploitative Amazon habits in the future. You could also say the same thing about Apple.

Particularly when your podcast is first starting out, yes, definitely, get your podcast on Amazon and Audible. You want your work to be easy to find anywhere.

Then, when your podcast has a big audience and a loyal following, you can afford to be more selective about where you make your podcast available. You don’t have to help Bezos launch his space rocket again.